While large-scale systemic change is necessary and a priority of Axium Education, we also recognize the need for more urgent student-focused intervention and support.
Each of our programs is aimed at bridging the gap between where students are academically and the demands of the school curriculum. Axium does this while developing the agency students need in order to succeed post-school.
We focus on home language literacy (isiXhosa) and numeracy support in the early grades; building strong English and mathematics foundations in Grades 6-9;
and facilitating a science, mathematics and English tuition programme for selected Grade 10-12 students.
Building strong rural schools is the key to longer term systemic change.
Currently we work with teachers and school leaders (School Management Teams) by facilitating communities of practice that promote professional growth.
Axium provides motivating spaces for teachers and school leaders to learn from each other by sharing ideas and solutions to address common challenges.
Our focus has traditionally been mathematics and science, however, we are increasingly engaging with language teachers, particularly in the foundation phase.
The schools we work with form a small subset of the 40% of South Africa's schools that are rural. There are many common challenges facing these schools as a result of systemic and structural issues.
Our rural location and our connections outside these remote areas allow us to play a role in addressing these issues through:
Producing high-quality, rural-focused research that has a strong connection to practice;
Actively sharing the learning from our work and research, as well as that of others, with local schools and key decision makers elsewhere;
Partnering with schools and advocacy organisations to elevate issues of common concern.